It's a grand old flag!

It's a grand old flag!
It's a high flying flag!

Friday, March 10, 2017

WOW, What a Rationale!

Know why rioters painted a golden "A" on a limo and burned a man's limo causing him to have no livelihood until the insurance company pays for his loss? He MAY have to buy a smaller limo  and earn less money unless he goes in debt for another one with most of the money from this burned one as a down payment.

But now for that RATIONALE, rhyme or reason? Anarchists supposedly burn limos because limo owners burn the planet! That's it...the carbon emissions "fry Mother Earth". So while Al Gore is using his expensive boat using $200 per day worth of fuel, and keeping his multi-room mansion toasty warm, then jetting around the country...the limo driver gets his ride and his livelihood--torched - because he and other limo drivers - "burn the planet"?

No clue as to the "A" since it is not a SCARLET "A" which is literary for adulteress.

Nevermind "global warming" has been proven a lie because "man" has "boosted" earth's temperature by 1 degree or so in the last 20 years. Democrats need that tax money from "selling carbon credits" the way a business can sell its unused "pollution credits" allowing another business to be located in an area.

Nevermind, Americans are TEA as in "Taxed Enough Already"but being called an invented term,"teabaggers" for a "homo act"-- is downright liberal...considering the fact that LIBERALS are supposed to LIKE LGBT and seek their VOTE, why is this CO-OPTED from the LGBT and applied as an insult to GOP, many of whom MIGHT be gay?

BTW...that "fiend" Trump who has has done a lot during his first 100 - COULD do more IF GOP Establishment types like Speaker Ryan, Sens. McCain and Lindsay Graham and others were not PRETENDING to help by recycling an Obamacare Repeal from old repeals, STALLING the TAX CUTS until August 2017 while they PRETEND to earnestly - "HELP"?

Including not-so-dated info makes more interesting reading. Battle of Blair Mountain in Logan County West Virginia was Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, 1921. NOT in recent history books or even mid-century 20 due to 10,000 coal worker union members fighting a HIRED GUN SQUAD and hired biplanes dropping bombs. Waco Massacre was not the only time, extenuating circumstances FAILED to keep people out of prison. BTW, about two weeks after most Waco religious types were given light or no sentences - the judge changed his mind and THREW THE BOOK at them, changing the jury's verdicts! No-- out free media forgot to follow up on that.

And oddly enough, Talmadge H who shotgunned Malcomn X...said the other two shooters WERE NOT the ones tried for the crime of 21 gunshots to "X" including 10 pellets. Shotgunner was paroled in 2010, other he said innocent in 1985 another "innocent" in 1987.

BTW, MLK's family insisted James Earl Ray did not shoot at the Room 306 balcony in Memphis and JER claimed in a Playboy interview that he was innocent. It has been said that MLK stayed in Room 306 so often that it was nicknamed the King/Abernaphy Room at the Lorraine Hotel.

With all that Civil Right GOP legislation filibustered by Sen Robert Byrd, Democrat, why was Watts such a riot in 1965 and the "Long Hot Summer of 1967" only 159 race riots BEFORE Martin Luther King,Jr was even assassinated on April 4, 1968?

Still, with all the progress in race relations, WHY did BHO want to "set back the clock"? Why if Harrison J Bounel, or that Connecticut 110 year old or Barry Soetoro - had a son - would he look like a guy that got shot once by a Latino with a Jewish last name? And why would a professor breaking into his own house - cause the need for a "Beer Summit", when the investigating police officer looked a lot like the black Professor Gates? Don't brilliant lawyers who did community organizing in Chicago always say things that unite rather than divide a country with such diversity?

In fact, WHY would a US President go to such expensive extremes to HIDE everything from his school records to his Draft Card with only "80" not 1980?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

As of April 28, 2016

Even if the Tea Party did help Ted Cruz win, he has compromised, his latest gambit to WIN the GOP establishment nomination is picking Carly Fiorina AFTER his wanton collusion with the John known as Kasich.

Will this net Cruz the nom? Possibly, since many feel that Cruz is the stealth Trump buster, even if Carly Fiorina says,"We will fight [scratch and bite].

Cruz definitely is "shaking the game up."

But Cruz LACKS the "RIGHT STUFF" to "Make America Great Again."

Trump understands Cruz's desperation and said nothing about the RNC nomination because TRUMP wants that 1237 so that the RNC has to give it to him.

Of course. the GOP establishment has sought to DENY TRUMP the victory for 10 months so WHY wouldn't they just BEAT him out of it despite his having the 1237 delegates fair and square.

After 10 months dogging Trump, it is obvious that "fair and square" is not their wau of doing anything. They WANT Hillary to win, went after trump like WINOS in a sports car, hate Trump and supposedly hate Cruz similarly so the RNC choosing Kasich can allow Hillary an easy win EVEN if Sanders runs as Independent, having been Trumped out of the Dem nomination by Hillary.

When Ted (the Stealth GOPe Pawn) Cruz stepped off his campaign bus probably made in Canada, he was quickly asked by a really enthusiastic lady Trump supporter named Kathy Heil who was ired, fed up and bugged questioning Cruz about dirty, down low RNC tactics, he replied "matter-of-factly"

"I don't control the rules ..."

The Donald J. Trump supporter got very livid and angry very quickly, even as Ted Cruz coolly answered her with that amused expression which must have REALLY BUGGED the lady, who wanted some answers NOT some blah, blah akin to,"I'm just doing my job, messing up the best candidate this country has had since at least 1976.

Asked WHY? Cruz probably would have said,"WHY NOT? This way I do not have to wait for Heaven to get my rewards! Cruz is well aware that his predecessor former Texas Senator Fay Kay Hitchensun who got a "Heavenly plum" reward for forcing Governor Rick Perry to spend his Presidential campaign money on defending his "bird-in-the-hand Texas Governorship."

The Texas senator was making a campaign non-vine-in-the-jungle-swing through Indiana on April 25, 2016 when a woman who later identified herself as Kathy Hiel was said to have pounced on Cruz (like a half-starved jaguar?No, not hardly!) but anyway Cruz stepped off his campaign bus outside an ice cream shop to make a publicity video as if to say: SEE I DON'T have DIABETES! But maybe YOU do! so here's ice cream eating IN YOUR FACE!"
Kathy Heil stated,“We haven’t even voted at a local level yet, so how can you justify that and how can you say you are not the establishment candidate?” she asked POINTEDLY.

Kathy Hiel mainly appeared to be upset about the Republican contest’s results in Colorado, where Cruz swept all of the state’s delegates in a process that involved local and state party conventions rather than a statewide primary or caucus and NO voter response whatsoever. The OBVIOUSLY RIGGED outcome infuriated Trump supporters and of course, Donald trump himself which was exactly WHY the GOP Establishment did it.

Even Texas Democrats filed an FCC complaint against Cruz.
North Carolina does NOT want grown men dressed as ladies for whatever reason, entering the girls' rest room "because on that day, they "feel like a lady" or just want to frighten all the females who are there already or who may happen to enter.
The squabble for a few days was the usual Christians versus the licentious "deal" until PayPal took a side. The Internet payment company made a "large deal of bloody veal" out of cancelling a 400–employee planned facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hopefully, this is not the same state that lost the aircraft plant "because North carolinians were seen breathing there".
PayPal has no "scruple infractional quandary" trouble doing business in Saudi Arabia where the penalty for homosexual behavior, to say nothing of switch–sitting, is significantly more stringent than in that hotbed of hate seen by a handful of people whose "Lodi being stuck in" is apparently North Carolina. Hmm is Lodi less desirable than say China Grove which is a "wide spot in the road" with a gorgeous hillside view and apparently a positively MAAAVELOUS mechanic. What querk of fate has hard-working rock musicians travelling about in whatever is available when politicians who can Skype and televise -- have expensive brand-new buses, usually made in Canada and NOT American ones?

Students singing the national anthem in a public area at 9/11 Memorial were silenced because an "unnamed and unashamed" said "they needed a permit."

GOP gerrymandering has created an uphill fight for Dems in the House which is seen as "turn about fair play."

Ultra-important legislation that would have modernized Florida's harsh alimony and child custody laws was ruthlessly "trashed" by lobbying gone haywire to extremes. Florida is behind so many states that have updated these laws to reflect the fact that most women now work outside of the home and that children need both parents to thrive, regardless of whether their parents are living together or apart.

Florida Governor Rick Scott (R), probably RINO **expletive** capitulated to fervent, intense, and crazed lobbying by liberal special interest groups and vetoed the hard-fought bill. The bill had gargantuan support, having passed both houses of the Florida legislature by super-majority margins. The governor’s office even admitted that they had received 13,000 calls mostly favoring the bill, with a 5-to-1 ratio for it, which apparently means NOTHING to the GOP Establishment. Advocates for the bill even "mobbed out" the office carrying signs in mid-April 2016, but the bill was "Jebbed" anyway.

The erstwhile Family Law Section of the Florida Bar Association (FBA) and radical feminist groups such as the National Organization for Women (AKA the NOW gang). The Family Law Section spent $105,000 to hire “emergency lobbyists” for a measly two weeks or about 14 measly over-paid days of fervent, intense, and crazed lobbying. The lobbyists naturally included some who used to work for the governor who became instant "cronies" but made so much money that they cared not.

Islamic State jihadi, perhaps influenced by Saudi Sunni jihadi, have leaked word of a scheme to bring jihadis into the U.S. via Mexico. Five Syrians were apprehended skulking into California in early 2016.

History will have to record the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. -- Martin Luther King,Jr.

Mr. Obama stated while referring specifically to Republicans like Sen. John F. McCain, who initially supported an immigration overhual but in 2010 began stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure,  “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”



Saul Alinsky’s Toilet and Potty Tactics: Isolate them. Freeze them. Polarize them. The liberals all use the same Rule of Thumb For radicals tactic folks:  Isolate it, freeze it, and polarize it by skipping step 2, and using step 3 instead:

Liberals make a claim based on a false accusation, such as “conservatives hate gays because we oppose gay marriage.”
Should conservatives happen to fall for the tactic and argue their false claims, liberals keep right on debating, like trying to debate “why you hate gays.”
Should conservatives happen to expose the fact that liberals lied to start the argument in the FIRST PLACE,
they ignore the exposure of the LIE, then make up more false claims
claim conservatives have insulted them, begin attacking said conservatives as mean, spiteful, straight-razor-toting and hateful, for instance.
There are 11 tactics of deception used by Leftist liberals, documented in Atlas Shouts.
Wash, Rinse. Repeat.
Step 2 will just allow them to waste peoples' time, and inflate liberal egos.

The final insult to all this is the leftists REFUSE TO enforce any of these rules in the Islamic communities they set up and establish here in the US.  The "rules" only apply for conservative areas. Muslims can do as they please.

HEADS-UP -- "The book, Atlas Shouts" is an Erin Brockavitch-style investigative report  exposing economic pollution.  Erin Brockavitch while working in a law office discovered that the very people profiting from the chemical pollution - factory investors - despised her, the local factory workers hated her, the tax collectors whose tax base was threatened -- all hated and dispised her.  Nevertheless, her findings were eventually celebrated as people came to the realization that the situation was unnecessarily  unhealthy for the general population.

"Atlas Shouts" discusses economic pollution, about those responsible for poisoning the town's economic well.  "Atlas Shouts" also explains how to fix it.   All is carefully explained in a manner with organization which the common citizen can understand and completely digest.
Group One consists of conservatives and constructionists, while Group Two is composed of Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists and Leftists.

A TERROR ALERT went out on or about April 20, 2016, because over 500 pounds of high explosives were stolen from a CSX train that was between Chicago and Detroit. a law enforcement source says the amount stolen has authorities concerned that the explosives could fall into the wrong hands.

The theft was reported at that time but the case has not yet gone public. The (Alcohol Tobacco Firearms [and explosives] ATF was seriously considering issuing an advisory and announcing a reward "later".
The authorities are [DUH!] concerned that the explosives could fall into the wrong hands and a few are probably making wagers amongst themselves as to how soon "somebody's a-gonna get hurt." Hmm, on a critically important and dangerous shipment like this,"WHY didn't at least a TRIO of heavily armed "authorities" guard this cargo?" Could it be that "an authority" needs a "belly porthole" because his head is in "an oriface" while his body is safely ensconced in an office?
A [brighter specimen] spokesman for the ATF in Detroit, Michigan called this a very serious case. an excuse offered was that "technically the explosives are classified as fireworks but because they are commercial grade combined with the quantity renders them extremely dangerous." The ATF states that the explosives are a lot more volatile [i.e. subject to explode]and typically only handled by professionals. This could be the EXCUSE as to WHY the explosives were not heavily guarded. Occupational Safety (OSHA) would probably REQUIRE a "professional fireworks handler" to accompany the guards for the entire trip which in and of itself MIGHT take DAYS [an reams] of paperwork. One must wonder how many times guards were posted with shipments who had NO IDEA what they were guarding "to avoid paperwork and panic."

No less that 32 cases of the explosives are missing but not to worry...the Detroit investigators are on the case. Hopefully these people are Axel Foley, Jackie Chan, Jet Lee and Arnold Swartzenegger and not the "usual suspects". Perhaps we could "volunteer" the Arizona, Texas Rangers, and various Highway Patrol officers from some of the 50 states -- to assist.
Chelsea Clinton made the claim that since late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is no longer on the Supreme Court due to being quite dead, it is now possible to enact more gun control, if her mother Hillary Clinton is elected to nominate a liberal justice.
During a campaign event to help her desperate mother, Chelsea Clinton stated, “It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control. With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control.”

Not to worry, CC, the illustrious RNC is planning a complete "cave in" on principals which set up this fiasco scenario in the first place. If the RNC had opposed Obama's Sodamyer and Kringle appointments intelligently the way they are pretending to oppose the Garland appointment presently, this situation might have been averted entirely, just saying. The two previously short-listed liberals were opposed for an average of about six weeks each although BOTH were notoriously pro-Obamacare and made no secret of their ardor for it. Every GOP Senator should have acute insomnia from a guilty conscious having allowed not ONE but TWO liberal appointments in the same CENTURY but few have any feelings whatsoever, especially the one who has been a Senator longer than most people have been ALIVE and is "carrying a torch" for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. He apparently DREAMS of her at night, perhaps making long "broom" flights without any port or starboard lights.

RNC will not re-write its convention rules although they were written with Paul Ryan in mind, because he apparently had only 9 states in his dufflebag and perhaps 1236 delegates...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Nationwide Tea Party 100s

http://www.teapartypatriotsdotorg/local/  California

http://www.brightforsenatedotcom/   Dump Lynnzie Graham very notorious RINO big government guy

Rumors that former Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin might run against notorious Mark Begich (D-AK) in 2014. Do you think this is a good idea?

The Tea Party Express founded as the tea party movement was awakened by the famous Rick Santelli rant that swept across the country in February of 2009.  Some no-good establishment Republicans have sought to splinter/destroy the Tea Party Movement from within the way the entire USA is being destroyed by Liberals in BOTH POTTIES!!! Yes, there are FLOATERS in BOTH POTTIES!  Some are at BOTTOM!

VOTE FOR Matt Bevin
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate in Kentucky

Matt Bevin grew up in a financially humble home, built on a bedrock of strong Christian values, and was encouraged by his parents to pursue the American Dream. He is running for the U.S. Senate because he believes that the chance for future generations to achieve their own American Dream is in danger of being destroyed by elite politicians out of touch with the hardworking, independent-minded taxpayers that make our country great.

TEA Party Supported Candidates
Dr. Pam Barlow ~ for U.S. Congress TX
Matt Bevin ~ for U.S. Senate Kentucky
Konni Burton ~ for Texas State Senate
T.J. Fabby ~ for Texas HD 10
Bob Hall ~ for Texas State Senate
Art Halvorson ~ for U.S. Congress PA 9th
Mary Huls ~ for Texas HD 129

Over 16 Tea Party groups in Alabama
Over 5  in Alaska
Over 20 in Arizona
Over 17 in Arkansas
Over 68 in California!
Over 22 in Colorado
Over 21 in Connecticut
Around 2 in Delaware
Over 3 in Democrat stronghold of Washington,DC!!
Over 83 in Florida!!

And many, many more -- check link for YOUR STATE!!!   LINKS to ALL States

Ted Baehr
David Barton
Glenn Beck
Reb Bradley
Patrick J. “Pat” Buchanan
Jonathan Cahn
Ben Carson
Jack Cashill
Ray Comfort
Jerome Corsi
Ann Coulter
H. W. Crocker III
Bradlee Dean
Paula Deen
Gary DeMar
Daniel Estulin
Dr. James C. Dobson
Joseph Farah
Bill Federer
Carl Gallups
Pamela Geller
Jamie Glazov
Nehemia Gordon
Kevin R.C. Gutzman
Pastor John Hagee
Rebecca Hagelin
Ken Ham
Doug Hamp
Bodie Hodge
Thomas Horn
Paul Kengor
David Kenik
Kathleen Kinsolving
Aaron Klein
Ken Klein
Joe Kovacs
David Kupelian
Wayne LaPierre
Greg Laurie
Mark Levin
C.S. Lewis
David Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh
John Lott
L.A. Marzulli
Brion McClanahan
Josh McDowell
Eric Metaxas
Joel Miller
Chuck Missler
Dr. John Morris
Ralph Mroz
Andrew Napolitano
Chuck Norris
Ted Nugent
Brad O'Leary
James Perloff
Burt Prelutsky
Dave Ramsey
Dr. Judith A. Reisman
Joel Richardson
Michael Rood
Joel C. Rosenberg
Sid Roth
Barry Rubin
Bill Salus
Michael Savage
Walid Shoebat
Roger Simmermaker
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Robert Spencer
Paul Sperry
Jim Staley
David Stern
Creek Stewart
David Stotts
James Sundquist
Brian Sussman
Kevin Swanson
Suzanne Venker
Thomas E. Woods, Jr
EVEN more persons who contributed not one dime include:
Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil)                  Country of Residence
1 William Henry "Bill" Gates III (b.1955) an American business magnate, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist   53 40.0 United States
2 Warren Edward Buffett (b.1930) an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. United States 78 37.0            United States
3 Carlos Slim Helú (b1940) a Mexican business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.& family benefitted from privatization of Mexico telecom and $10 each Obamaphone worth 69 35.0 Mexico
4 Lawrence Joseph "Larry" Ellison (b.1944) an American business magnate, co-founder and chief executive of Oracle Corporation enterprise software obsesses over national ID cards for maximum socialist control United States 64 22.5 United States
5 Ingvar Feodor Kamprad (b.1926) a Swedish business magnate, founder of IKEA, a retail company specialising in furniture and snacks. Also his family Sweden 83 22.0 Switzerland
6 Karl Hans Albrecht (b.1920) a German entrepreneur who founded the discount supermarket chain Aldi with his brother Theo there and America. 89 21.5 Germany
7 Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani (b.1957) an India business magnate who is the chairman and CEO of the Indian conglomerate Reliance Industries Limited 51 19.5 India
8 Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, (B.1950)  is quinessential poss. inspiration for Slumload millionaire rags-to-richest story. The world's largest steelmaker thanks to US unionism India 58 19.3 United Kingdom
9 Theodor Paul Albrecht Jr. and the heirs brother, Berthold, inherited the German discount supermarket chain ...           87 18.8 Germany
10 Amancio Ortega Gaona (b.1936) a Spanish fashion executive and founding chairman of the Inditex fashion group, famous for its chain of Zara clothing 73 18.3 Spain
11 James (Jim) Carr Walton (b.1948) the youngest son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton and the Chairman of Arvest Bank. 61 17.8 United States
12 Alice Louise Walton (b.1949) an American heiress to the fortune of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton and wife,Helen 59 17.6 United States
12 Christy Ruth Walton (b.1955) widow of John T. Walton, one of the sons of Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. & family United States 54 17.6 United States
12 Samuel Robson "Rob" Walton (b.1944) the eldest son of Helen and Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, the world's largest retailer United States 65 17.6 United States
15 Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault (b.1949)Chairman and CEO, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, art collector. has officially transferred his multi-billion pound fortune out of Socialist Frogland to Belgium 60 16.5 France
16 Sir Ka-shing Li, GBM, KBE, JP (b.1928) a Hong Kong business magnate, investor, and philanthropist of Hongkong International Terminals Ltd. ended the longest strike at Hong Kong’s container terminal   80 16.2 Hong Kong
17 Michael Rubens Bloomberg,N.Y.C. Mayor (b.1942) an American business magnate, uber,mega-liberal politician and philanthropist., founder of Bloomberg L.P., philanthropist 67 16.0 United States
18 Carl STEFAN Erling Persson (b.1947) Chairman and former CEO of Hennes & Mauritz, is credited for making the H & M fashion company an international retail giant. 61 14.5 Sweden
19 Charles de Ganahl Koch (b.1935) a US businessman, philanthropist, co-owner, chairman of the board, and CEO of Koch Industries, Inc 73 14.0 United States
19 David Hamilton Koch (b.1940) an American businessman, philanthropist, political activist, and chemical engineer. Co-owner of Koch Industries, Inc, a major American employer 68 14.0 United States
21 LILIANE Henriette Charlotte Schueller, married name Bettencourt (b.1922), French socialite, businesswoman, philanthropist,  heiress of  L'Oreal cosmetics fortune. Hopefully she will move her money to USA. 86 13.4 France
22 H.R.H.Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud:{Arabic: الوليد بن طلال بن عبد العزيز آل سعود‎)  House of Saud founder,chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) Behind next tallest building in the World, the Kingdom Tower to be a height of at least 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) for SR 4.6 billion SOMEWHERE 54 13.3 Saudi Arabia
23 Michael Otto & family(b.1943), magnate who runs German Otto Group, the world's largest mail order company selling all from toys to building supplies 65 13.2 Germany
24 DAVID Kenneth Roy Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet & family(b.1957) is a Canadian media magnate   51 13.0 Canada
25 Michael Saul Dell (b.1965) is an American business magnate, philanthropist, and author. He is known as the founder and CEO of Dell Inc 44 12.3 United States
 26 Donald L. Bren (b.1932) an American businessman,Chairman of the Irvine Company, a US-based real estate investment company, which he wholly owns   76 12.0 United States
26 Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin (b.1973) an American computer scientist, Internet entrepreneur who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google, in September 1998.Google has grown to more than 30,000 employees worldwide, which wants to know all about everybody, leaves privacy to IXQUICK 35 12.0 United States
26 Lawrence "Larry" Page (b.1973) an American computer scientist, Internet entrepreneur who is the co-founder of Google, grad school friend Sergey Brin 36 12.0 United States
29 Steven Anthony "Steve" Ballmer (b.1956) an American businessman, CEO of Microsoft Corp. since 2000, headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Mr.Ballmer joined Microsoft in 1980 and was the company’s first business manager..
53 11.0 United States
29 Major-General Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster, Bt. KG CB CVO OBE TD CD DL (b.1951) & family/ Grosvenor Estate is an interesting portfolio of businesses, rural estates and other assets owned by trusts on behalf of G.C.G. 57 11.0 United Kingdom
29 George Soros, (b.1930 in Hungary) is a leftist American businessman business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. Chairman of Soros Fund Management.Human Events’ readers, in an online poll, recently voted billionaire financier George Soros “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.” Soros should transport nitroglycerine down deserted canyon roads on a $150 dirtbike but Jimmy Fallon and I LOVE him.     78 11.0 United States
32 Paul Gardner Allen (b.1953) an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist, famous as the co-founder, with Bill Gates.III, of Microsoft Not known as a major donor of blood and money to the United Nations like Gates. 56 10.5 United States
32 Walter, Thomas, Raymond and their mother Kwong Siu-hing. ... Mrs. Kwok, Kwok Ping-sheung, Walter JP (b.1950 in HK, with family roots in Zhongshan, Guangdong), eldest son of Kwok Tak Seng and Kwong Siu-hing. Raymond Kwok Ping Luen is the joint-chairman and managing director of Sun Hung Kai Properties, ...
NA 10.5 Hong Kong
34 Anil Dhirubhai Ambani (Gujarati: અનીલ ધીરજલાલ (ધીરૂભાઈ) અંબાણી), b.1959, an India businessman (of Reliance Group and legally Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures Limited) is an Indian conglomerates, 49 10.1 India
35 Abigail Pierrepont (Abby) Johnson (b.1961) an American businesswoman. Johnson is President of Fidelity Investments Personal and Workplace Investing which returns the principal according to law. 47 10.0 United States
35 Susanne Klatten (b. Susanne Hanna Ursula Quandt 1962 in (Not That) Bad Homburg, Germany), daughter of Herbert and Johanna Quandt. Heiress of 12.6% stake in automaker BMW (BEEMER) from her late father Herbert ... 46 10.0 Germany
35 Ronald Owen Perelman (b.1943) an American businessman. Through his company MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings Inc., he has invested in various companies and has a Mitt Romney style they say. 66 10.0 United States
35 Hans Rausing, KBE, (b.1926) a Swedish businessman based in United Kingdom. He made his fortune from his co-inheritance of Tetra Pak, AKA, Tetra Laval a packaging company 83 10.0 United Kingdom
39 Birgit Rausing and Rausing family foundation, The Birgit and Gad Rausing Foundation, awards grants to research within the humanities and supports several important institutions, ... Sweden 85 9.9 Switzerland
40 Michele Ferrero (b.1925),& family, owner of the eponymous chocolate maker Ferrero SpA, one of Europe's largest   Italy 82 9.5 Monaco
40 Mikhail Dmitrievitch Prokhorov (b.1965) a self-made Russian multibillionaire, politician, and owner of the American basketball team the Brooklyn Nets.Energy magnate,6 foot 8 inches of Russia "ran" against Putin. 43 9.5 Russia
40 Jack Crawford Taylor (b.1923), founder of Enterprise Rent-a-Car. & family 86 9.5 United States
43 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi (b.1944/1945) a Saudi Arabian / Ethiopian businessman and billionaire who lives in Ethiopia and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia 63 9.0 Saudi Arabia
43 Anne Beau Cox Chambers (b.1919, in Dayton, Ohio) an American media proprietor, owns a stake of interest in privately held media Cox Enterprises. If I mention that newspapers are for fishwrap/bird cage bottoms I will NEVER be an $80,000 annual reporter. 89 9.0 United States
43 Carl Celian Icahn (b.1936) an American business magnate. He is the majority shareholder of Icahn Enterprises, capital management LP, which holds diversifieds   73 9.0 United States
43 George Boy-am-i-rich Kaiser (b.1942) an American businessman, is the Chairman of BOK Financial Corporation.president, CEO and primary owner of GBK Corporation, parent of Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, which he has managed for 40 years. 66 9.0 United States
43 Lee Shau-kee GBM (b.1928 in Shunde, Guangdong, China) a Hong Kong based real estate tycoon and majority owner of Henderson Land Development 81 9.0 Hong Kong
43 Forrest Edward Mars, Jr. (b.1931) is the eldest son of Forrest Mars Sr. and the grandson of Frank C. Mars, the founder of Mars, Incorporated. 77 9.0 United States
43 Jacqueline Mars (b.1939), confectionary candy) heiress. 69 9.0 United States
43 John Mars, another candy tycoon United States 72 9.0 United States
 51 Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich (b.1966) a Russian business tycoon and the main owner of the private investment company Millhouse LLC.,owns a yacht. 42 8.5 Russia
52 Ernesto Bertarelli (b.1965) an Italian born Swiss billionaire and entrepreneur who inherited biotech firm Serono biotech firm famous for discovery of a natural hormone used in the treatment of female infertility,  ... 43 8.2 Switzerland
52 Philip Hampson "Phil" Knight (b.1938) wife was a Hatfield who never shot at a McCoy,  an American business magnate, philanthropist.and famous for his cajones at Nike,Inc. Famous as only sports writer who became a billionaire. 71 8.2 United States
54 Nasser Al-Kharafi & family oil billionaires Kuwait 65 8.1 Kuwait
55 James Harris "Jim" Simons (b.1938) an American hedge fund manager, mathematician, and philanthropist. Simons founded Renaissance Technologies in 1982. 70 8.0 United States
55 Alain Wertheimer (b.1949) AKA сейчас дом моды Chanel принадлежит,a French businessman, who, with his brother Gerard own the controlling interest in world famous Chanel perfume manufacturing business. AKA "Canal Water #9" NA 8.0 France unless they take their money to USA to keep socialist France from evaporating it.
57 Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair & family Oil tycoons getting $90 plus for oil they bring up for $5/bbl. 55 7.8 United Arab Emirates
57 Vagit Alekperov Russian oil tycoon 58 7.8 Russia
59 Sunil Bharti Mittal (b.1957) an India telecom mogul, philanthropist and the founder, chairman and Group CEO of Bharti Enterprises, his family shares it 51 7.7 India
60 François Pinault (b.1936 in Les Champs-Géraux) a French businessman CEO for the retail company Kering dealing in luxury goods. 72 7.6 France
61 Eike Fuhrken Batista (b.1956) a Brazilian business magnate who raked in the coin in mining and oil and gas exploration, may have profited when Obama caused deep drilling rigs to be relocated to Brazilian waters. 52 7.5 Brazil
62 Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber Oil tycoon 50 7.0 Saudi Arabia
62 Maan Al-Sanea Oil tycoon 54 7.0 Saudi Arabia
62 Edward Crosby "Ned" Johnson 3rd (born 29 June 1930) is an American investor and businessman who, along with daughter Abigail Johnson, owns and runs Fidelity which always returns the prinicipal investment afterward. 78 7.0 United States
62 Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan (b.1938) a Malaysian Tamil businessman and philanthropist.  CEO-Maxis Communications & Measat. 70 7.0 Malaysia
62 Robert Kuok Hock Nien is a Chinese Malaysian tycoon who made his money in sugar, palm oil, shipping and property. 85 7.0 Hong Kong
62 Joseph Richard Safra (b.1939), a Brazilian banker who currently runs the Brazilian banking and investment empire, Safra Group. 70 7.0 Brazil
68 Jeffrey Preston "Jeff" Bezos (b.1964) an American entrepreneur, played a pioneering role in the growth of e-commerce as the founder and CEO of Amazon. 45 6.8 United States
69 August von Finck, Jr. (b.1930) is a German invester and banker or ist ein deutscher Investor und ehemaliger Bankier 79 6.7 Switzerland
70 Silvio Berlusconian, an Italian politician and media tycoon is the controlling shareholder of Mediaset and owner of the Italian football club A.C. Milan.& shares $ with family 72 6.5 Italy
71 Leonardo Del Vecchio (b.May 1935 in Milan, Italy), founder and chairman of Luxottica, a $3 billion (sales) designer and manufacturer of high-quality eyeglass frames. Luxottica owns the Sunglass Hut and Lenscrafters chains with a total of over 6000 stores. 73 6.3 Italy
71 Curt Glover Engelhorn owned then sold pharmaceutical firms Boehringer Mannheim and DePuy Inc. of which all together Engelhorn had a 40% stake, to Hoffmann-La Roche in 1997 for $10 billion.   82 6.3 Switzerland
71 Mikhail Maratovich Fridman (b.1964 in Lviv, Ukraine) ,a Russian business oligarch, explained the financial crisis according to the Bible. As the head of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman believes all economic crises, were predicted in biblical times. 44 6.3 Russia
74 Sulaiman Al Rajhi Oil tycoon 89 6.2 Saudi Arabia
75 James "Jim" Goodnight (b.1943), a businessman and software programmer, wrote programs for SAS an intelligence who co-founded SAS Institute  now CEO, SAS Institute 66 6.1 United States

Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
76 Iris Fontbona, widow of Andronico Luksic Abaroa. Together with his family owns the Luksic Group with mining, financial, industrial and the beverages sectors. Major holdings include, or have included, Banco de Chile, Compañia de Cervecerias Unidas (CCU), and Antofagasta plc, a UK-listed copper mining company. NA 6.0 Chile
76 Petr Kellner (b.1964), a Czech businessman, whose  Czechoslovak voucher privatization (PPF) investment funds were very successful and purchased stock of more than 200 corporations with value over 5 billion CZK. 44 6.0 Czech Republic
76 John Werner Kluge (b.1914 d.2010, was a German-born American entrepreneur, best known as a pioneer television industry mogul collector of contemporary Indigenous Australian art, and owned works by prominent artists including Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri. Kluge and his wife, who felt passionately about access to holistic medicine, brought a rare vision to their donations, which totaled $63 million just to UVA. 94 6.0 United States
76 John Alfred Paulson (b.1955) ,an American hedge fund manager. Paulson is the founder and president of Paulson & Co., a New York-based hedge fund 53 6.0 United States
76 Tadashi Yanai (柳井 正, Yanai Tadashi,(b.1949) is founder and president of Fast Retailing, of which Uniqlo (ユニクロ, "unique clothing") i shares with family. 60 6.0 Japan
81 Dan L Duncan (b.1933 – d.2010) was an American born in Center, Texas. He was the co-founder, chairman and majority shareholder of Enterprise (natural gas) Products. Duncan owned the Double D Ranch, a 5,000-acre (20 km2) hunting property in Texas and was a Safari Club International member who has been given numerous awards for his hunting trophies. Due to an abnormality in the estate tax law for the year 2010, Duncan became the first American billionaire to pay no estate tax since its enactment. 76 5.9 United States
81 Eliodoro Matte forrestry and paper tycoon of Chile 63 5.9 Chile
83 Alberto Bailleres, Chairman of metals and mining group Industrias Penoles, a leading Latin American producer of refined gold, silver, lead and zinc. In 2008 Industrias Penoles, separated its precious metals assets into subsidiary, Fresnillo Plc., while Penoles kept the base metals. Value of his Penoles stake dropped to $3 billion from $6 billion last year. Has been on its board since 1962. Took over from father and became chairman in 1967. Also has interests in upscale department store El Palacio de Hierro, insurance company Grupo Nacional Provincial and investment firm Grupo Profuturo. On the board of directors of Femsa, the Mexican beverage bottling company. Reportedly has a 300-foot yacht called the Mayan Queen IV.son of Raúl Bailleres.   76 5.7 Mexico
83 Azim Hashim Premji, Sr. (b.1945) an India business tycoon. philanthropist,  As Chairman of Wipro Limited,Premji owns 79 percent of Wipro and also owns a private equity fund, PremjiInvest, which manages his $1 billion personal portfolio. In the 80s Wipro diversified from hydrogenated cooking fats to soaps the into IT and software. 63 5.7 India
83 Hansjörg Wyss (b.1936, age 77 in 2013)(pronounced as HAHNZ-jorg VEES), a Swiss entrepreneur, businessman who in 1974, founded "Synthes USA", US division of Synthes, a firm manufacturing Swiss-designed medical devices for orthopedic and trauma surgery, becomes the third industrial partner of the AO/ASIF, then Synthes USA starts marketing Synthes products in the USA  and later also in in1975 .Wyss owns the 900-acre (3.6 km2) Halter Ranch in western Paso Robles, California since 2000...Thus may live in Canada, Switzerland or US 74 5.7 United States
86 Shashi & Ravi Ruia or Ravikant Nand Kishore Ruia is the Vice-Chairman of Essar Group (founded in 1969 by Ruia and his brother Shashi Ruia.  Headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Essar controls steel, oil and gas, power, communications, shipping, ports and logistics, projects and minerals, with operations in more than 20 countries across five continents, the group employs 75,000 people
As od 2011, Ravi resided in the UK. 65 5.6 India
87 Steven A. Cohen (b.1956), an American hedge fund manager, is the founder of SAC Capital Advisors, a Stamford, Connecticut-based hedge fund focusing primarily on equity market strategies. 53 5.5 United States
87 Ng Teng Fong (b.1928 – d.2010) was a Singaporean real estate tycoon who developed over 700 hotels, malls and condos in Singapore and owned Sino Group of Hong Kong, including Orchard Central. 80 5.5 Singapore
87 Patrick Soon-Shiong (b.1952), a South African-born American surgeon, medical researcher, businessman, philanthropist, founder of Abraxis Biosciences Inc. 57 5.5 United States
90 Serge Dassault , or Serge Bloch (b.1925 in Paris) is a French entrepreneur as Chairman and CRO of Dassault Group and conservative politician who may save France from socialism. 83 5.4 France
90 Erivan Karl Haub (b.1932), the former manager and partial owner of Tengelmann Group, one of Germany's largest retailers shares with  family. In 1971 TG bought out grocery chain Kaiser's; in 1972, Haub founded the discount grocery retailer Plus. In the following years, Tengelmann went international in business, which lead to the 1979 takeover of A & P, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company operates in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania under six different banners of names. A&P's liquor stores, known as Best Cellars, are found in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. A&P's corporate headquarters are in Montvale, New Jersey.  A store-closing program was financed by the surplus assets of its pension plan in 1975!  How? 76 5.4 Germany
92 Jorge Paulo Lemann (b.1939) is a Brazilian banker with a controlling stake in Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's largest beer company.   69 5.3 Brazil
93 Eli Broad (b.1933) is an American businessman and philanthropist who fled Detroit, Michigan,  later creating shareholder wealth by providing vital homebuilding and retirement savings. services 75 5.2 United States
93 Kunio Busujima (毒島 邦雄)(b.1925) is the founder and chairman of Sankyo, one of the three major pachinko gambling-machine makers in Japan, shares with family   83 5.2 or 4.9? Japan
93 Karl-Heinz Kipp (b.1924 in Alzey) made his first fortune in Massa chain of German department stores retailing (ehemaliger Eigentümer der Massa-Märkte) since sold the business whilst keeping the property with his second fortune in real estate dealings. 85 5.2 Switzerland
93 Vladimir Lisin (b.1956 in Ivanovo) is a Russian steel tycoon, being chairman and the majority shareholder of Novolipetsk or NLMK, In true rags-to-riches-hard-worker-makes-good fashion, Lisin began his career as a welding foreman in a steel plant. 52 5.2 Russia
93 Reinhold Würth (b.1935 in Öhringen, Württemberg), known as the entrepreneur professor  is a German businessman who took over his father's tiny wholesale screw business at age 19, built it into the Adolf Würth Group, a worldwide wholesaler of fasteners, screws and screw accessories, dowels, chemicals, furniture and construction fittings, tools, machines, installation material, automotive hardware, inventory management, storage and retrieval systems. Much honored over the years, Wurth has turned his attention primarily to a 15,000 works art collection. 73 5.2 Germany
98 Philip Frederick Anschutz (/ˈænʃuːts/ AN-shoots) born1939 is an American entrepreneur who bought out his father's drilling company, Circle A Drilling, of Wisconsin in 1961 and earned large returns in Wyoming. Anschutz contributed to Bob Dole's political campaigns in the 1960s when Dole was respectable, long before his liberal Senate career and presidential run spoof.  Anschutz invested in stocks, real estate,railroads, then began investing in entertainment companies, co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the Los Angelas Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, and the New York / New Jersey Metro Stars. Anschutz owns stakes in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and arenas including the Staples Center, O2 Arena, and the Home Depot Center. He also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. 69 5.0 United States
98 Kerkor "Kirk" Kerkorian (b.1917), nicknamed "the smiling cobra," is an American businessman who is the president/CEO of Tracinda Corporation,built and sold two of the world's biggest hotels, the MGM Hotel in Las Vegas and United Artists both on and off the Strip. As philantropy, Aug. 26, 2009,

    Funding inequities have no simple fix (2-6-2009)
    UNLV must scramble to save $25 million gift, hotel building (2-2-2009)
    Administrators says proposed cuts too much to withstand (1-26-2009)

Sun coverage

    Archive of Sun education stories

A fund raiser to advance education, health care and social services in Nevada kicked off at UNLV with a $14 million grant from Kirk Kerkorian’s Lincy Foundation. 91 5.0 United States

98 Nicholas "Nicky" F. Oppenheimer (b.1945) is a South African businessman, the chairman of the De Beers diamond mining company and its subsidiary, the Diamond Trading Company. He also has a large financial interest in the diversified mining company Anglo American, shares money with family. 63 5.0 South Africa

Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
98 David & Simon Reuben United Kingdom NA 5.0 United Kingdom
98 Kushal Pal Singh India 77 5.0 India
98 Galen Weston & family Canada 68 5.0 Canada
104 Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahayan United Arab Emirates 39 4.9 United Arab Emirates
105 Philip & Cristina Green United Kingdom 57 4.8 United Kingdom
105 Antonia Johnson Sweden 65 4.8 Sweden
107 Klaus-Michael Kuhne Germany 71 4.7 Switzerland
108 Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken Netherlands 54 4.6 United Kingdom
108 Stefan Quandt Germany 42 4.6 Germany
110 Robert Bass United States 61 4.5 United States
110 David Geffen United States 66 4.5 United States
110 Graeme Hart New Zealand 53 4.5 New Zealand
110 James Kennedy United States 61 4.5 United States
110 Paul Milstein & family United States 86 4.5 United States
110 Blair Parry-Okeden United States 58 4.5 Australia
110 Henry Ross Perot Sr United States 78 4.5 United States
110 Hasso Plattner Germany 65 4.5 Germany
110 Hiroshi Yamauchi Japan 81 4.5 Japan
119 Alexander Abramov Russia 50 4.4 Russia
119 Richard DeVos United States 83 4.4 United States
119 Eric Schmidt United States 53 4.4 United States
122 Leonid Fedun Russia 52 4.3 Russia
122 Alexei Mordashov Russia 43 4.3 Russia
124 Kumar Birla India 41 4.2 India
124 Michael Kadoorie & family Hong Kong 68 4.2 Hong Kong

Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
124 Akira Mori & family Japan 72 4.2 Japan
124 Robert Rowling United States 55 4.2 United States
124 Ricardo Salinas Pliego & family Mexico 53 4.2 Mexico
124 Dennis Washington United States 74 4.2 United States
124 Karl Wlaschek Austria 91 4.2 Austria
131 Johanna Quandt Germany 82 4.1 Germany
132 Leonard Blavatnik United States 51 4.0 United Kingdom
132 Cheng Yu-tung Hong Kong 83 4.0 Hong Kong
132 John Fredriksen Cyprus 64 4.0 United Kingdom
132 German Khan Russia 47 4.0 Russia
132 Joseph Lau Hong Kong 57 4.0 Hong Kong
132 Richard LeFrak & family United States 63 4.0 United States
132 John Menard Jr United States 69 4.0 United States
132 Rupert Murdoch United States 78 4.0 United States
132 Donald Newhouse United States 79 4.0 United States
132 Samuel Newhouse Jr United States 81 4.0 United States
132 Sammy Ofer & family Israel 87 4.0 Monaco
132 Ira Rennert United States 75 4.0 United States
132 Julio Mario Santo Domingo Colombia 85 4.0 Colombia
132 Leonard Stern United States 71 4.0 United States
146 Charles Ergen United States 56 3.9 United States
146 James, Arthur & John Irving Canada NA 3.9 Canada
146 Harold Simmons United States 77 3.9 United States
149 Gustavo Cisneros & family Venezuela 63 3.8 Venezuela
149 Spiro Latsis & family Greece 62 3.8 Switzerland
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
151 Bernard Ecclestone & family United Kingdom 78 3.7 United Kingdom
151 Eitaro Itoyama Japan 66 3.7 Japan
151 Dietrich Mateschitz Austria 64 3.7 Austria
151 Masayoshi Son Japan 51 3.7 Japan
151 Chaleo Yoovidhya Thailand 77 3.7 Thailand
156 Pauline MacMillan Keinath United States 75 3.6 United States
156 Cargill MacMillan Jr United States 82 3.6 United States
156 Whitney MacMillan United States 80 3.6 United States
156 Pierre Omidyar United States 41 3.6 United States
156 Marion MacMillan Pictet United States 76 3.6 Bermuda
156 Anton Schlecker Germany 64 3.6 Germany
156 Andreas Strungmann Germany 59 3.6 Germany
156 Thomas Strungmann Germany 59 3.6 Germany
164 William Cook United States 77 3.5 United States
164 Oleg Deripaska Russia 41 3.5 Russia
164 Stanley Druckenmiller United States 55 3.5 United States
164 Harold Hamm United States 63 3.5 United States
164 Saleh Kamel Saudi Arabia 67 3.5 Saudi Arabia
164 Bruce Kovner United States 64 3.5 United States
164 Nobutada Saji & family Japan 63 3.5 Japan
164 Maria-Elisabeth & Georg Schaeffler Germany NA 3.5 Germany
164 Charles Schwab United States 71 3.5 United States
164 Stef Wertheimer & family Israel 83 3.5 Israel
164 Aloys Wobben Germany 57 3.5 Germany
164 Daniel Ziff United States 37 3.5 United States
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
164 Dirk Ziff United States 44 3.5 United States
164 Robert Ziff United States 42 3.5 United States
178 Sheldon Adelson United States 75 3.4 United States
178 Jeronimo Arango & family Mexico 83 3.4 Mexico
178 Heinz-Horst Deichmann Germany 82 3.4 Germany
178 Steven Jobs United States 54 3.4 United States
178 Hiroshi Mikitani Japan 44 3.4 Japan
183 Saleh Al Rajhi Saudi Arabia 97 3.3 Saudi Arabia
183 Americo Amorim Portugal 74 3.3 Portugal
183 Charles Cadogan & family United Kingdom 72 3.3 United Kingdom
183 Adi Godrej & family India 66 3.3 India
183 Iskander Makhmudov Russia 45 3.3 Russia
183 David Murdock United States 85 3.3 United States
183 Tsai Wan-Tsai & family Taiwan 79 3.3 Taiwan
183 Ty Warner United States 65 3.3 United States
191 Jean-Claude Decaux & family France 71 3.2 France
191 Boris Ivanishvili Russia 53 3.2 Georgia
191 Richard Kinder United States 65 3.2 United States
191 Theodore Lerner United States 83 3.2 United States
191 Stephen Ross United States 68 3.2 United States
196 Lester Crown & family United States 83 3.1 United States
196 Aloysio de Andrade Faria Brazil 88 3.1 Brazil
196 Stein Erik Hagen & family Norway 52 3.1 Norway
196 Bradley Hughes United States 75 3.1 United States
196 Suleiman Kerimov Russia 43 3.1 Russia
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
196 Alexei Kuzmichev Russia 46 3.1 Russia
196 Dmitry Rybolovlev Russia 42 3.1 Russia
196 John Sall United States 60 3.1 United States
196 Nassef Sawiris Egypt 47 3.1 Egypt
205 Majid Al Futtaim United Arab Emirates NA 3.0 United Arab Emirates
205 Ronald Burkle United States 56 3.0 United States
205 Robert Holding United States 82 3.0 United States
205 Heidi Horten Austria 68 3.0 Austria
205 Henry Kravis United States 65 3.0 United States
205 E Stanley Kroenke United States 61 3.0 United States
205 Lee Kun-Hee South Korea 67 3.0 South Korea
205 Liu Yongxing China 60 3.0 China
205 George Lucas United States 64 3.0 United States
205 Naguib Sawiris Egypt 54 3.0 Egypt
205 Dilip Shanghvi India 53 3.0 India
205 John Sobrato & family United States 69 3.0 United States
205 Steven Spielberg United States 62 3.0 United States
205 Dorothea Steinbruch & family Brazil NA 3.0 Brazil
205 Heinz Hermann Thiele & family Germany 67 3.0 Germany
205 Samuel Zell United States 67 3.0 United States
221 Micky Arison United States 59 2.9 United States
221 Bahaa Hariri Switzerland 42 2.9 Switzerland
221 Husnu Ozyegin Turkey 64 2.9 Turkey
224 Saif Al Ghurair & family United Arab Emirates NA 2.8 United Arab Emirates
224 Giorgio Armani Italy 74 2.8 Italy
 224 Antonio Ermirio de Moraes & family Brazil 80 2.8 Brazil
224 Simon Halabi United Kingdom 59 2.8 United Kingdom
224 Michael Herz Germany 63 2.8 Germany
224 Wolfgang Herz Germany 58 2.8 Germany
224 Paul Tudor Jones II United States 54 2.8 United States
224 Mehmet Emin Karamehmet Turkey 64 2.8 Turkey
224 Ralph Lauren United States 69 2.8 United States
224 Hermann Schnabel Germany 88 2.8 Germany
234 Shari Arison Israel 51 2.7 Israel
234 John Arnold United States 35 2.7 United States
234 Martin & Olivier Bouygues France 56/58 2.7 France
234 Walter Haefner Switzerland 98 2.7 Switzerland
234 Otto Happel Germany 61 2.7 Switzerland
234 Savitri Jindal India 59 2.7 India
234 Lee Shin Cheng Malaysia 69 2.7 Malaysia
234 Frank Lowy & family Australia 78 2.7 Australia
234 Thomas Schmidheiny Switzerland 63 2.7 Switzerland
234 Henry Sy & family Philippines 84 2.7 Philippines
234 Oprah Winfrey United States 55 2.7 United States
234 Zhang Jindong China 46 2.7 China
246 Otto Beisheim Germany 85 2.6 Switzerland
246 Paul Desmarais Canada 82 2.6 Canada
246 Barbara Piasecka Johnson United States 72 2.6 Monaco
246 Ann Walton Kroenke United States 60 2.6 United States
246 German Larrea Mota Velasco & family Mexico 55 2.6 Mexico
 246 Sergio Mantegazza Switzerland 81 2.6 Switzerland
246 Rosalia Mera Spain 65 2.6 Spain
246 Gordon Moore United States 80 2.6 United States
246 Victor Pinchuk Ukraine 48 2.6 Ukraine
246 George Roberts United States 65 2.6 United States
246 Michael & Rainer Schmidt-Ruthenbeck Germany NA 2.6 Germany
246 Malvinder & Shivinder Singh India 33 2.6 India
246 Tsai Eng Meng Taiwan 52 2.6 Taiwan
246 Peter Woo & family Hong Kong 63 2.6 Hong Kong
246 Zhou Chengjian & family China 44 2.6 China
261 Riley Bechtel United States 57 2.5 United States
261 Stephen Bechtel Jr United States 83 2.5 United States
261 Richard Branson United Kingdom 58 2.5 United Kingdom
261 Edgar Bronfman Sr United States 79 2.5 United States
261 Ray Dalio United States 59 2.5 United States
261 Aliko Dangote Nigeria 51 2.5 Nigeria
261 John Paul DeJoria United States 65 2.5 United States
261 Ray Lee Hunt United States 66 2.5 United States
261 Charles Johnson United States 76 2.5 United States
261 Guy Laliberte Canada 49 2.5 Canada
261 Joseph Lewis United Kingdom 72 2.5 Bahamas
261 Liu Yonghao China 57 2.5 China
261 Pallonji Mistry Ireland 79 2.5 India
261 Reinhard Mohn & family Germany 87 2.5 Germany
261 James Packer Australia 41 2.5 Australia
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
261 Viktor Rashnikov Russia 60 2.5 Russia
261 Haim Saban United States 64 2.5 United States
261 Stephan Schmidheiny Switzerland 61 2.5 Switzerland
261 Stephen Schwarzman United States 62 2.5 United States
261 Bernard (Barry) Sherman Canada 67 2.5 Canada
261 David Sun United States 57 2.5 United States
261 Takemitsu Takizaki Japan 63 2.5 Japan
261 Teh Hong Piow Malaysia 79 2.5 Malaysia
261 John Tu United States 67 2.5 United States
285 Bernard Broermann Germany 65 2.4 Germany
285 Clive Calder United Kingdom 62 2.4 Cayman Islands
285 Albert Frere Belgium 83 2.4 Belgium
285 Alain Merieux & family France 71 2.4 France
285 Leonid Mikhelson Russia 53 2.4 Russia
285 Sergei Popov Russia 37 2.4 Russia
285 Luis Carlos Sarmiento Colombia 76 2.4 Colombia
285 Glen Taylor United States 67 2.4 United States
285 Marcel Herrmann Telles Brazil 59 2.4 Brazil
285 Joan Tisch United States 83 2.4 United States
285 William Wrigley Jr United States 45 2.4 United States
296 Isak Andic Spain 54 2.3 Spain
296 Mark Cuban United States 50 2.3 United States
296 Ray Dolby United States 76 2.3 United States
296 John Dorrance III Ireland 65 2.3 Ireland
296 Philip Falcone United States 45 2.3 United States
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
296 Nancy Walton Laurie United States 57 2.3 United States
296 Mitchell Rales United States 52 2.3 United States
296 Richard Schulze United States 68 2.3 United States
296 Yang Huiyan China 27 2.3 China
305 Pierre Bellon & family France 79 2.2 France
305 Charles Butt & family United States 71 2.2 United States
305 Malcolm Glazer & family United States 80 2.2 United States
305 Laurence Graff United Kingdom 70 2.2 Switzerland
305 Masatoshi Ito Japan 84 2.2 Japan
305 James Jannard United States 59 2.2 United States
305 Rupert Johnson Jr United States 67 2.2 United States
305 Patrick McGovern United States 71 2.2 United States
305 Denis O'Brien Ireland 50 2.2 Ireland
305 A Jerrold Perenchio United States 78 2.2 United States
305 David Rockefeller Sr United States 93 2.2 United States
305 Steven Udvar-Hazy United States 63 2.2 United States
305 Michael Ying Hong Kong 59 2.2 Hong Kong
318 David Azrieli & family Canada 86 2.1 Canada
318 William Davidson United States 86 2.1 United States
318 Henry Hillman United States 90 2.1 United States
318 Alicia Koplowitz Spain 56 2.1 Spain
318 Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen Denmark 61 2.1 Denmark
318 Mary Alice Dorrance Malone United States 59 2.1 United States
318 Masahiro Miki Japan 53 2.1 Japan
318 Robert Miller Canada 63 2.1 Canada
 318 Jim Pattison Canada 80 2.1 Canada
318 Vladimir Potanin Russia 48 2.1 Russia
318 Steven Rales United States 58 2.1 United States
318 G M Rao India 58 2.1 India
318 Moise Safra Brazil 74 2.1 Brazil
318 Carlos Alberto Sicupira Brazil 61 2.1 Brazil
318 Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi Thailand 64 2.1 Thailand
318 Albert von Thurn und Taxis Germany 25 2.1 Germany
334 Sulaiman Algosaibi Saudi Arabia NA 2.0 Saudi Arabia
334 Pyotr Aven Russia 54 2.0 Russia
334 David & Frederick Barclay United Kingdom 75 2.0 United Kingdom
334 Lee Bass United States 52 2.0 United States
334 Sid Bass United States 66 2.0 United States
334 Khalid Bin Mahfouz & family Saudi Arabia 80 2.0 Saudi Arabia
334 John de Mol Netherlands 54 2.0 Netherlands
334 Gordon Getty United States 75 2.0 United States
334 Tom Gores United States 44 2.0 United States
334 Terry Gou Taiwan 58 2.0 Taiwan
334 Nicolas Hayek Switzerland 80 2.0 Switzerland
334 Diane Hendricks United States 62 2.0 United States
334 Daniela Herz Germany 55 2.0 Germany
334 Gunter Herz Germany 68 2.0 Germany
334 William Hilton United States 81 2.0 United States
334 H Wayne Huizenga United States 71 2.0 United States
334 Mohammed Ibrahim United Kingdom NA 2.0 United Kingdom

Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
334 Micky Jagtiani India 57 2.0 United Arab Emirates
334 Peter Kellogg United States 66 2.0 United States
334 Edward Lampert United States 46 2.0 United States
334 Leonard Lauder United States 76 2.0 United States
334 Ronald Lauder United States 65 2.0 United States
334 James Leprino United States 71 2.0 United States
334 Wallace McCain Canada 79 2.0 Canada
334 Frederik GH Meijer & family United States 89 2.0 United States
334 Lorenzo Mendoza & family Venezuela 43 2.0 Venezuela
334 Najib Mikati Lebanon 53 2.0 Lebanon
334 Taha Mikati Lebanon 60 2.0 Lebanon
334 Arnon Milchan Israel 64 2.0 Israel
334 Michael Milken United States 62 2.0 United States
334 Daniel Och United States 48 2.0 United States
334 Liselott Persson Sweden 59 2.0 Sweden
334 T Boone Pickens United States 80 2.0 United States
334 Richard Rainwater United States 64 2.0 United States
334 Phillip Ruffin United States 74 2.0 United States
334 Alexandra Schorghuber Germany 50 2.0 Germany
334 Shen Wenrong China 63 2.0 China
334 Sheldon Solow United States 80 2.0 United States
334 Beny Steinmetz Israel 52 2.0 Israel
334 Ronda Stryker United States 54 2.0 United States
334 Olav Thon Norway 85 2.0 Norway
334 Bruce Wasserstein United States 61 2.0 United States
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
376 Vladimir Bogdanov Russia 57 1.9 Russia
376 Bennett Dorrance United States 63 1.9 United States
376 Archie Aldis "Red" Emmerson United States 79 1.9 United States
376 Andrew Forrest Australia 47 1.9 Australia
376 William Gross United States 64 1.9 United States
376 Mikhail Gutseriev Russia 51 1.9 United Kingdom
376 Amos Hostetter Jr United States 72 1.9 United States
376 Michael Jaharis United States 80 1.9 United States
376 H Fisk Johnson United States 50 1.9 United States
376 Imogene Powers Johnson United States 79 1.9 United States
376 S Curtis Johnson United States 53 1.9 United States
376 Helen Johnson-Leipold United States 52 1.9 United States
376 Winnie Johnson-Marquart United States 49 1.9 United States
376 Manuel Jove Spain 67 1.9 Spain
376 George Mitchell United States 89 1.9 United States
376 Quek Leng Chan Malaysia 68 1.9 Malaysia
376 Gina Rinehart Australia 55 1.9 Australia
376 Robert E "Ted" Turner United States 70 1.9 United States
376 Eugen Viehof & family Germany 92 1.9 Germany
376 Wee Cho Yaw & family Singapore 80 1.9 Singapore
376 Zong Qinghou China 63 1.9 China
397 Gautam Adani India 46 1.8 India
397 Rinat Akhmetov Ukraine 42 1.8 Ukraine
397 Abdulla Al Futtaim United Arab Emirates NA 1.8 United Arab Emirates
397 Mohammed Al Issa Saudi Arabia NA 1.8 Saudi Arabia
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
397 Abdullah Al Rajhi Saudi Arabia NA 1.8 Saudi Arabia
397 John Anderson United States 91 1.8 United States
397 Nadhmi Auchi United Kingdom 71 1.8 United Kingdom
397 Nicolas Berggruen United States 47 1.8 United States
397 Charles Bronfman Canada 77 1.8 Canada
397 Chen Din Hwa Hong Kong 86 1.8 Hong Kong
397 Philippe Foriel-Destezet France 73 1.8 United Kingdom
397 Alexander Frolov Russia 44 1.8 Russia
397 Frits Goldschmeding Netherlands 75 1.8 Netherlands
397 David Gottesman United States 82 1.8 United States
397 He Xiangjian & family China 66 1.8 China
397 Martha Ingram & family United States 73 1.8 United States
397 Jess Jackson United States 79 1.8 United States
397 Indu Jain India 72 1.8 India
397 Mike Lazaridis Canada 48 1.8 Canada
397 Fredrik Lundberg Sweden 57 1.8 Sweden
397 Dinu Patriciu Romania 58 1.8 Romania
397 Gregorio Perez Companc & family Argentina 74 1.8 Argentina
397 Florentino Perez Spain 62 1.8 Spain
397 Stewart Rahr United States 63 1.8 United States
397 Robert Rich Jr United States 68 1.8 United States
397 Edward Roski Jr United States 70 1.8 United States
397 Dieter Schnabel Germany 63 1.8 Germany
397 Jeffrey Skoll Canada 44 1.8 United States
397 John Sperling United States 88 1.8 United States
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
397 Sylvia Stroher Germany 54 1.8 Germany
397 Nikolai Tsvetkov Russia 48 1.8 Russia
397 Viktor Vekselberg Russia 51 1.8 Russia
397 Yeoh Tiong Lay & family Malaysia 79 1.8 Malaysia
430 Leonore Annenberg United States 91 1.7 United States
430 James Balsillie Canada 48 1.7 Canada
430 Frank Batten Sr United States 82 1.7 United States
430 Hubert Burda Germany 69 1.7 Germany
430 Alan Casden United States 63 1.7 United States
430 John Catsimatidis United States 60 1.7 United States
430 Charles Dolan & family United States 82 1.7 United States
430 Thomas Frist Jr & family United States 70 1.7 United States
430 Phillip Frost United States 72 1.7 United States
430 William Fung Hong Kong 61 1.7 Hong Kong
430 Michael Hartono Indonesia 69 1.7 Indonesia
430 R Budi Hartono Indonesia 68 1.7 Indonesia
430 William Randolph Hearst III United States 59 1.7 United States
430 Esther Koplowitz Spain 58 1.7 Spain
430 Shiv Nadar India 63 1.7 India
430 Axel Oberwelland Germany 42 1.7 Germany
430 Peter Peterson United States 82 1.7 United States
430 Onsi Sawiris Egypt 79 1.7 Egypt
430 Leslie Wexner United States 71 1.7 United States
430 Dean White United States 85 1.7 United States
450 Peter Buck United States 78 1.6 United States
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
450 John Caudwell United Kingdom 56 1.6 United Kingdom
450 Jim Davis & family United States 65 1.6 United States
450 Fred DeLuca United States 61 1.6 United States
450 Victor Fung United States 63 1.6 Hong Kong
450 Hui Wing Mau Hong Kong 58 1.6 Hong Kong
450 Barry Lam Taiwan 59 1.6 Taiwan
450 Richard Peery United States 68 1.6 United States
450 Stefano Pessina Italy 67 1.6 Monaco
450 Bruno Schroder & family United Kingdom 76 1.6 United Kingdom
450 Walter Scott Jr United States 77 1.6 United States
450 David Shaw United States 58 1.6 United States
450 Friede Springer Germany 66 1.6 Germany
450 Sukanto Tanoto Indonesia 59 1.6 Singapore
450 Sarik Tara Turkey 78 1.6 Turkey
450 Donald Trump United States 62 1.6 United States
450 Alisher Usmanov Russia 55 1.6 Russia
450 Zhang Xin & family China 44 1.6 China
468 Ali Ibrahim Agaoglu Turkey 55 1.5 Turkey
468 Anil Agarwal India 55 1.5 United Kingdom
468 Dennis Albaugh United States 59 1.5 United States
468 John Arrillaga United States 71 1.5 United States
468 Louis Bacon United States 50 1.5 United Kingdom
468 Edward Bass United States 64 1.5 United States
468 Carlo Benetton Italy 65 1.5 Italy
468 Gilberto Benetton Italy 67 1.5 Italy
Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence
468 Giuliana Benetton Italy 71 1.5 Italy
468 Luciano Benetton Italy 73 1.5 Italy
468 Neil Bluhm United States 71 1.5 United States
468 Chen Fashu China 48 1.5 China
468 Chu Lam Yiu Hong Kong 39 1.5 Hong Kong
468 Chung Mong-Koo South Korea 71 1.5 South Korea
468 Dermot Desmond Ireland 59 1.5 Ireland
468 Abilio dos Santos Diniz Brazil 72 1.5 Brazil
468 Israel Englander United States 60 1.5 United States
468 Thomas Friedkin United States 73 1.5 United States
468 Rolf Gerling Germany 54 1.5 Switzerland
468 Kenneth Griffin United States 40 1.5 United States
468 Timothy Headington United States 58 1.5 United States
468 Hans-Werner Hector Germany 69 1.5 Germany
468 Jeffrey Hildebrand United States 50 1.5 United States
468 Joseph Jamail Jr United States 83 1.5 United States
468 Ryoichi Jinnai Japan 82 1.5 Japan
468 Daryl Katz Canada 47 1.5 Canada
468 Brad Kelley United States 52 1.5 United States
468 Randal Kirk United States 55 1.5 United States
468 William Koch United States 68 1.5 United States
468 Robert Kraft United States 67 1.5 United States
468 Lev Leviev Israel 53 1.5 United Kingdom
468 Liang Wengen China 52 1.5 China
468 Lu Zhiqiang China 56 1.5 China

Bechtel Jr
$5.5 billion
Source: engineering, construction

Third-generation leader of firm that built Turkey's Ankara-Gerede Highway and the Hong Kong International Airport. Became Bechtel president at age 35, chairman 13 years later. Son Riley now runs the $27 billion (sales) construction outfit. Father and son each believed to own 20% of the company. In July 2007 celebrated opening of Tacoma Narrows Bridge near Seattle, the longest suspension span built in the world since 1960s. New projects include a $1.9 billion expansion of its Worsley Alumina refinery in Western Australia. Owns stake in money management firm Fremont Group.

$3.7 billion
Source: real estate

Father, Max, arrived from germany in 1926 with 5,000 canaries; started pet supply business Hartz Mountain Pet Products. Leonard joined business at age 21; sold company for $350 million in 2000 to private equity firm J.W. Childs. Began buying land in New Jersey 1960s; today owns 38 million square feet of commercial, residential, retail properties from Newark to Jersey City. Son Emanuel oversees family's real estate empire, including hip Manhattan hotels Soho Grand and Tribeca Grand. Gave $30 million to alma mater NYU in 1988; business school now bears his name.

#102 Leonard Lauder
$3.6 billion
Source: Estee Lauder

Mother, Estee Lauder (d. 2004), sold skin cream concocted by chemist uncle. Emphasized personal customer attention, free gifts. Operation became cosmetics giant; today family's 70% stake worth more than $6 billion. Labels include Clinique, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, La Mer. Leonard serves as Estee chairman; hoping his "Lipstick Indicator Theory"-which claims sales of cheap luxuries like lipstick increase in times of economic stress-will hold up. Shares up 28% in past 12 months. Both brothers own large art collections; Leonard donated $130 milli

#118 Ronald Lauder
$3.4 billion
Source: Estee Lauder

Mother, Estee Lauder (d. 2004), sold skin cream concocted by chemist uncle. Emphasized personal customer attention, free gifts. Operation became cosmetics giant; today family's 70% stake worth more than $6 billion. Labels include Clinique, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, La Mer. Shares up 28% in past 12 months. Younger brother owns stakes in Central European Media Enterprises (nasdaq: CETV - news - people ), Israeli TV station. Last year elected President of World Jewish Congress. Both brothers own large art collections; Ronald paid $135 million for 1907 Klimt portrait 2006.

#134 Henry Hillman
$3.0 billion
Source: industrialist

Grandson of steel tycoon John Hillman Jr., owner of Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical. Diversified family fortune via Hillman Co: real estate, venture capital, private equity. Early backer of venture capital monster Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, LBO titans Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. Invests in biomedical and technology companies. Co-owns downtown Pittsburgh's office and retail center PPG Place. Donates through family foundations; $20 million to U. of Pittsburgh for cancer research, $10 million to Carnegie Mellon. Wife, Elsie, is actively involved in Republican politics.

#144 David Rockefeller Sr
$2.9 billion
Source: Standard Oil, banking

Descendant of one of the greatest capitalists in American history is worth $200 million more this year on gains in real estate, art; modern and contemporary collection includes Monet, Matisse, Renoir. Grandfather turned $4,000 in oil refining into Standard Oil, oil and gas giant that fueled American industrial revolution. Company broken up in landmark antitrust case 1911; much of Standard Oil lives on as ExxonMobil (nyse: XOM - news - people ). At annual meeting Rockefeller family members demanded ExxonMobil adopt greener measures. Bequeathed $100 million to alma mater Harvard to fund study abroad and arts programs; largest ever alumnus donation. Nonagenarian has visited 10 countries in past year.

147 Leslie Wexner
$2.8 billion
Source: Limited Brands

Ohio State law school dropout started womenUs sportswear store in 1963 with $5,000 loan from aunt. Took Limited Brands public 1969. Today company owns Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, C.O. Bigelow, La Senza, White Barn Candle and Henri Bendel brands. Sales decreased 5% to $10 billion in 2007; stock flat since last August. Sold 75% interest in Express brand to Golden State Capital for $600 million 2007 to focus on higher-margin lingerie, beauty product operations. Supports Jewish causes with wife, Abigail, via Wexner Foundation.

#163 Gordon Getty
$2.5 billion
Source: inheritance, oil

Son of oil baron J. Paul Getty Sr. (d. 1976) spent four years in family business, then sold Getty Oil to Texaco for $10 billion 1986. Now spends time composing music for operas, including PlumpJack and Joan and the Bells. Plump Jack also the name of his Napa Valley winery. Avid San Francisco Giants fan packages wine in screw caps, claims they're better than corks. Commands $200 a bottle. With wife, Ann, recently hosted Obama fundraiser.

#190 Robert E "Ted" Turner
$2.3 billion
Source: cable television

Cable news pioneer sold remaining stake in Time Warner (nyse: TWX - news - people ) 2006, retired from company's board. Now focused on philanthropy, real estate, restaurant business. Has donated more than $1.5 billion to charity. Recently launched $200 million campaign to fight malaria in Africa through United Nations Foundation; also supports Nuclear Threat Initiative, Turner Endangered Species Fund. Nation's largest individual landowner owns 2 million acres across 12 states and Argentina. Also commands 50,000 bison, nation's largest herd. Ted's Montana Grill serves bison burgers in 18 states, over 50 locations.

#227 Herbert Allen Jr & family
$2.0 billion
Source: investment banking

Secretive investment banker hosts very visible retreat in Sun Valley for media big shots. Helped take Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) public 2004. Uncle Charles (d. 1994) started investment bank Allen & Co. 1922. Father Herb Sr. (d. 1997) joined 5 years later. Herb Jr. started at boutique bank in 1962. Rumored to be forwarding fortune to children; annually disputes net worth estimate.

#321 Marc Rich
$1.5 billion
Source: commodities

NYU dropout started career in mail room of Philipp Brothers. Met long-term partner Pincus Green . Two built Phibro into then world's largest commodities firm. Created spot oil market 1968, founded Marc Rich & Co. 1973. Fled to Europe 1983 after being indicted for manipulating U.S. oil system, trading with Iran during hostage crisis, evading $50 million in taxes. Became fugitive; pardoned by Clinton 2001. Resides in Switzerland. Has renounced U.S. citizenship, holds Israeli passport.

#355 Richard Scaife
$1.4 billion
Source: investments

Heir to T. Mellon & Sons banking fortune is enduring a nasty public divorce from his second wife, Ritchie. Salacious divorce documents became public after a clerk at the county court accidentally published the sealed documents online. They exposed the value of various personal trusts, as well as some odd behavior. Example: Ritchie took Scaife's favorite dog, Beauregard, after the couple separated. Scaife placed a sign on his front lawn reading: "Wife and dog missing. Reward for dog." Staunch conservative, owns Pittsburgh Tribune-Review newspaper, as well as Pennsylvania radio stations. Supports right-wing policy via Heritage Foundation.