It's a grand old flag!

It's a grand old flag!
It's a high flying flag!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tea Parties USA

It is a fundamental freedom in the USA to peacefully assemble whether to protest or to show approval. This is in the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution a document ignored by many people who have placed their hands on a Bible or Koran and swore to uphold it.

Perhaps you are a resident of Arizona and are aware that if your U.S. Senator voted for the Stimulus Porkage, he/she may be a no good punk/punkette for going against the wishes of his constituents back in Arizona. To make matters worse, this John McCain did the right NOT honorable thing, dropped what he was doing which was trying to be a loser for President, and ran back to DC and voted for this travesty and nodded his head a lot when Obama was speaking of his fellow and broadette senators as go-good PUNKS. The guy actually attended a roast with Barack Hussein Obama and participated in the then newly elected Barack Obama's trashing of his former fellow US Senators...all in fun, of course. Out of fairness, President Obama was not ignoring all the lady Senators...although ha may not have referred to them as PUNKETTES.

Another Senator recieved three Purple Hearts in a PUNK fashion, with one for a bomb fragment scratch from his own shell (probably stuck it in his own arm himself) and rice peppering his buttocks after destroying "enemy" rice. Maybe the rice was RED? Even after the third PH, this, this... allegedly never spent ONE day in sick bay recovering from these "wounds". Heck Ramsey, some World War II soldiers heated up fired artillery shells on a stove to make cigarette butt cans of them and got "wounded in action" when the shells exploded unburned powder sending fragments scaring legs, arms, hopefully no eyes. Not a single one of these fellows had the sheer gall to try to get a Purple Heart from an accident that was more embarassing than injurious. Yet, Kerry used his insignicant injuries to three-up for a ticket out of Viet Nam in FOUR MONTHS while the ususl tour of duty was a year allegedly. For getting THREE, the first after shopping amongst several officers, he got to leave Viet Nam early, but later returned for an award from the Communists allegedly as depicted in photos online. Later, he allegedly threw somebody else's medals away as a protest for American soldiers acting allegedly like "Ghingis Khan", committing "war crimes" and said American soldiers acted like warriors under "Ghingis Khan"? But he is an "Honorable Man" in my opinion?

If YOUR U.S. Senator is foaming at the mouth to vote for the well-known health care debacle and the Cap and Tax against over ONE MILLION 9/12 protesters in Washington,DC...he/she MAY be a PUNK/PUNKETTE.

If YOUR U.S. Senator ever referred to US troops in harms way as Nazis (allegedly one Dick (the Turban) Derbin, storm troopers (unknown senator , illegitimate occupation forces, rapists, thugs, or other derogatory terms...he/she MAY be a no-good PUNK/PUNKETTE. A former Marine pencil-pusher named something like "Mertha" did all these things then disparaged and put down the voters back home as "uneducated hicks" allegedly. Yet voters continue to send back? You'd think the "Uneducated hicks" would band together and "flush that man right outta their hair!" But they don't!

It is way too hard to mount a campaign to oust an entrenched incumbent who has free franking privilege (free postage allowed to promote himself/herself), name recognition (some are former Senator's sons like Al Gore was before he turned alleged huckster/fraud on global whining er warming when Georgia froze and most Americans had a COLD year!), one Senator got her husband's job for no apparent reason when he died in a suspicious skiing "accident"! Was she voted in...NO...did she share her dead husband's conservative views against abortion on demand and smaller government...NO WAY...yet she "inherited" Sonny Bono's Senator job.

Recently Senator Robert (Bob) Byrd celebrated his 56th year as a politician, Most of this time as a US Senator. It was even described as a "rare" appearance on the Senate floor. JEEZ, the dude is so old he doesn't even show up for "work" anymore?

This is cause enough for term limits. Formerly, according to the US Constitution, Senators were appointed by the Governor of their state. But this interferred with perpetual forever being Senators so the Senators rammed through an ammendment, got it ratified probably by stealth midnight vote, and VOILA! We get the same Senators year in and year out...up to Senator Byrd's record of 56 years!

We ned to have more tea parties...unite the vote...and VOTE THE RASCALS OUT!

Senators enjoy free perks like their own bowling alley, private cafeteria, gym, theater, and the best Cadillac health care for free...even surpasses the UNIONS' Cadillac health care plans! Yet as a group they are immune and above the very laws they vote for USA citizens.

Will Senators tax their health care? No WAY! Will they vote themselves a raise later...NO...they got together and made themselves an AUTOMATIC RAISE every year! The nerve..the gall!

NOBODY should have this kind of "job Security"...especially the way the kings and queens of the Senate vote against the wishes of their own voters!