It's a grand old flag!

It's a grand old flag!
It's a high flying flag!

Friday, March 10, 2017

WOW, What a Rationale!

Know why rioters painted a golden "A" on a limo and burned a man's limo causing him to have no livelihood until the insurance company pays for his loss? He MAY have to buy a smaller limo  and earn less money unless he goes in debt for another one with most of the money from this burned one as a down payment.

But now for that RATIONALE, rhyme or reason? Anarchists supposedly burn limos because limo owners burn the planet! That's it...the carbon emissions "fry Mother Earth". So while Al Gore is using his expensive boat using $200 per day worth of fuel, and keeping his multi-room mansion toasty warm, then jetting around the country...the limo driver gets his ride and his livelihood--torched - because he and other limo drivers - "burn the planet"?

No clue as to the "A" since it is not a SCARLET "A" which is literary for adulteress.

Nevermind "global warming" has been proven a lie because "man" has "boosted" earth's temperature by 1 degree or so in the last 20 years. Democrats need that tax money from "selling carbon credits" the way a business can sell its unused "pollution credits" allowing another business to be located in an area.

Nevermind, Americans are TEA as in "Taxed Enough Already"but being called an invented term,"teabaggers" for a "homo act"-- is downright liberal...considering the fact that LIBERALS are supposed to LIKE LGBT and seek their VOTE, why is this CO-OPTED from the LGBT and applied as an insult to GOP, many of whom MIGHT be gay?

BTW...that "fiend" Trump who has has done a lot during his first 100 - COULD do more IF GOP Establishment types like Speaker Ryan, Sens. McCain and Lindsay Graham and others were not PRETENDING to help by recycling an Obamacare Repeal from old repeals, STALLING the TAX CUTS until August 2017 while they PRETEND to earnestly - "HELP"?

Including not-so-dated info makes more interesting reading. Battle of Blair Mountain in Logan County West Virginia was Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, 1921. NOT in recent history books or even mid-century 20 due to 10,000 coal worker union members fighting a HIRED GUN SQUAD and hired biplanes dropping bombs. Waco Massacre was not the only time, extenuating circumstances FAILED to keep people out of prison. BTW, about two weeks after most Waco religious types were given light or no sentences - the judge changed his mind and THREW THE BOOK at them, changing the jury's verdicts! No-- out free media forgot to follow up on that.

And oddly enough, Talmadge H who shotgunned Malcomn X...said the other two shooters WERE NOT the ones tried for the crime of 21 gunshots to "X" including 10 pellets. Shotgunner was paroled in 2010, other he said innocent in 1985 another "innocent" in 1987.

BTW, MLK's family insisted James Earl Ray did not shoot at the Room 306 balcony in Memphis and JER claimed in a Playboy interview that he was innocent. It has been said that MLK stayed in Room 306 so often that it was nicknamed the King/Abernaphy Room at the Lorraine Hotel.

With all that Civil Right GOP legislation filibustered by Sen Robert Byrd, Democrat, why was Watts such a riot in 1965 and the "Long Hot Summer of 1967" only 159 race riots BEFORE Martin Luther King,Jr was even assassinated on April 4, 1968?

Still, with all the progress in race relations, WHY did BHO want to "set back the clock"? Why if Harrison J Bounel, or that Connecticut 110 year old or Barry Soetoro - had a son - would he look like a guy that got shot once by a Latino with a Jewish last name? And why would a professor breaking into his own house - cause the need for a "Beer Summit", when the investigating police officer looked a lot like the black Professor Gates? Don't brilliant lawyers who did community organizing in Chicago always say things that unite rather than divide a country with such diversity?

In fact, WHY would a US President go to such expensive extremes to HIDE everything from his school records to his Draft Card with only "80" not 1980?